rel=author ProGenitor Solutions Ltd: June 2013

Friday 14 June 2013

Change of tack

Does anyone enjoy 'cold calling'? I don't! It's not that I don't enjoy meeting and speaking to new acquaintances because I do, what challenges me is the etiquette around the interaction. I for one do not enjoy being cold called so why should I impose myself on others? I'm also of the mind set that if I have a need to be fulfilled, I'm more than capable of identifying someone to call if I need help. 

In addition to the etiquette of cold calling, I'm also mindful of the terrible reputation attributed to companies who cold call. How many PPI calls have you answered in recent months, I've personally lost count. I don't want ProGenitor to be tarnished by association. 

Yet I see the value and benefit in cold calling. There can be no better way of getting a message to an intended recipient when you are in the process of developing a business. Yesterday for example I was 'cold called' by a company who had recently taken over the client list from the company who service my vacuum cleaner. It was more of an introduction to explain what had happened, the guy who ran the old franchise had retired, here's our new number, this is where we are if you need us. All very pleasant and I have to say useful as it has now saved me the effort of trying to find a new service agent. They also told me about their latest promotion but did not press the sale when I declined. 

On reflection, I think this is the key. Rather than look on cold calling as a direct and immediate sell, I'd be better to regard the event as a means of creating awareness in the company. By offering prospective customers benefit in working with ProGenitor, I can then accept that the call may (or may not) result in revenue in the longer term rather than an instant result. It also makes any knock-back more palatable, because there was never any immediate business riding on the exchange, there is no failure. I'll dust of my contacts list and get to work.